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Paving method of floor tile

- Sep 11, 2017-

Dry Paving method
Floor tiles in theory should be used dry paving method, the grass-roots watering after wetting, remove floating sand, debris. Wipe the combination layer, use 1:3 dry cement mortar, according to the horizontal line to pave the floor, put the bricks on the mortar with glue Pi real, remove the ground brick poured cement slurry, and then put the ground brick solid flat can be. The dry paving method is used to effectively avoid the occurrence of bubbles and empty drums caused by floor tiles in paving process, but the dry paving method is much more expensive than the wet paving method because of the high technical content of floor tiles.

Wet Paving method
It is a lot of home owners commonly used floor tile paving method, this aspect of technology and dry paving method is the difference between 1:3 dry cement mortar replacement for ordinary water and cement mortar. The use of wet paving method of tile floor may produce empty drums and bubbles, affecting the life of the ground brick, but because of the simple operation of wet paving, and low prices, so many families still use wet paving method to pave the ground.

3, the quality of the acceptance of floor tiles should be carried out in the following areas:
(1) Whether the floor tiles are evenly sewn (usually 1mm).
(2) Whether the gap is straight, no wrong seam.
(3) Floor tiles no empty drum, fall off.
(4) Overall flat floor tiles.
1, floor tile laying temperature should be better than 10 ℃ above. Before laying, the floor tile must face downward, in the construction site placed more than 24 hours, so that the floor tile temperature and room temperature is the same. Keep room temperature constant during laying.
2, floor tiles in addition to the square, can also be arbitrarily cut into triangles, rectangular and other shapes.
3, before laying, first on the ground to draw a line of 10 glyphs. The method is: Measuring the ground size, the center of the ground to draw a longitudinal or transverse line, and then through the center of the line to do vertical. Floor tile ramp, then the cross line should be zoned with the original baseline into 45° angle. For best results, the floor tile at the edge should be at least half the floor tile, and, if less than half, the cross line can be shifted to 1/2 floor tile width. Floor tiles should be laid out from the center of the ground to expand around.